Internal Standard Succinylacetone (non derivatised)

Order No.: 57044

MassChrom® Amino Acids and Acylcarnitines from Dried Blood / Non Derivatised - LC-MS/MS

Internal Standard for Succinylacetone.
Already included in the Succinylacetone Upgrade Sets 57111 and 57111/F.

More Information
Content 4 x 18 ml

Please note: All concentrations shown here are exemplatory. They do not reflect real data for the described products. Actual concentrations depend on the production lot of each product and can exclusively be found in the product information leaflet. Please ask for these product information leaflets or download them from the service site of the Chromsystems website.

SubstanceUnitConcentrationConcentration in the sample
(75 µl IS/3.1 µl blood)
Succinylacetone-13C5 mg/l

Download of Product Information Leaflets
For logged-in customers the product information leaflets for calibrators, controls, internal standards and tuning mixes can be downloaded from the downloadcenter.

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In the below section logged-in customers can download various documents such as instruction manuals, safety data sheets, traceability chains for calibrators, and external quality assessments.
These documents can also be downloaded from the downloadcenter.

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Internal Standard for Succinylacetone.
Already included in the Succinylacetone Upgrade Sets 57111 and 57111/F.

More Information
Content 4 x 18 ml

Please note: All concentrations shown here are exemplatory. They do not reflect real data for the described products. Actual concentrations depend on the production lot of each product and can exclusively be found in the product information leaflet. Please ask for these product information leaflets or download them from the service site of the Chromsystems website.

SubstanceUnitConcentrationConcentration in the sample
(75 µl IS/3.1 µl blood)
Succinylacetone-13C5 mg/l

Download of Product Information Leaflets
For logged-in customers the product information leaflets for calibrators, controls, internal standards and tuning mixes can be downloaded from the downloadcenter.

Download of all other documents
In the below section logged-in customers can download various documents such as instruction manuals, safety data sheets, traceability chains for calibrators, and external quality assessments.
These documents can also be downloaded from the downloadcenter.

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