How to find us:

Chromsystems Instruments & Chemicals GmbH

Am Haag 12, 82166 Gräfelfing/Munich

Phone: +49 89 18930-0


From the A8 (BAB Stuttgart–München)

  • Exit at the autobahn intersection “München-West” and follow the circular autobahn A99 in the direction A96 “Lindau-München/CH”.
  • At the autobahn intersection “München-Süd-West” keep left and change to the autobahn A96 in the direction “München”.
  • After about 1.5 km take the exit “Gräfelfing/München-Pasing” and turn left at the first traffic light into the street “Am Haag”.
  • Directly after the right hand bend turn left and follow the street.

From the A9 (BAB Nürnberg–München)

  • Exit right at the autobahn intersection “Neufahrn” in the direction of “Stuttgart/Lindau/CH” and follow the direction “München West” on the circular autobahn A99.
  • Stay on the A99 in the direction Lindau/CH to the autobahn intersection “München-Süd-West”.
  • At the autobahn intersection “München-Süd-West” keep left and change to the autobahn A96 in the direction “München”.
  • After about 1.5 km take the next exit “Gräfelfing/München-Pasing” and turn left at the first traffic light into the street “Am Haag”.Directly after the right hand bend turn left and follow the street.

From the A96 (BAB Lindau–München)

  • About 1.5 km after the autobahn intersection “München-Süd-West” take the next exit “Gräfelfing/München-Pasing” and turn left at the first traffic light into the street “Am Haag”.
  • Follow the street and directly after a right hand bend turn left.
  • After about 200 m Chromsystems is on the right.


From Hauptbahnhof or Marienplatz

  • From the DB main train station “Hauptbahnhof” or “Marienplatz” in Munich, take the “S-Bahn” train out of town to “München-Pasing”.
  • From the platform, leave the station towards “Pasing-Marienplatz”.
  • Turn right and go along "Kaflerstraße" towards the "Postbank store" to get to the bus stop of the line 265 (approx. 5 min).
  • Take the line 265 and exit the bus at “Gräfelfing Am Haag” (approx. 20 min).
  • Turn into the street „Am Haag“ across the bus stop and follow until you reach Chromsystems “Am Haag 12” (approx. 4 min).

From the airport

  • Take the “S-Bahn” train S8 to “München-Pasing.”
  • From the platform, leave the station towards “Pasing-Marienplatz”.
  • Turn right and go along "Kaflerstraße" towards the "Postbank store" to get to the bus stop of the line 265 (approx. 5 min).
  • Take the line 265 and exit the bus at “Gräfelfing Am Haag” (approx. 20 min).
  • Turn into the street „Am Haag“ across the bus stop and follow until you reach Chromsystems “Am Haag 12” (approx. 4 min).