Calibrators, Quality Controls and Analytical Columns

According to the AACC, lab developed tests (LDTs) are critical to providing adequate patient care as well as advancing laboratory medicine. They play a significat role in supporting clinicians each day in their diagnosis and treatment of diseases.

For more than 30 years, Chromsystems is one of the world's leading manufacturers of routine clinical diagnostics solutions for LC-MS/MS and HPLC. We offer clinical laboratories a range of tools, including calibrators and controls, but also other components such as analytical columns. Choose your calibrators, controls and columns here, all available in USA:

Calibrators, Quality Controls and Analytical Columns - ChromsystemsCalibrators, Quality Controls and Analytical Columns - Chromsystems

Calibrators and Quality Controls

Human-based material
All calibrators and controls are almost exclusively based on human material, ensuring a maximum of precision and reliability.

Our material is usually linked to a common reference, a standard of higher order, whenever they are or become available.

Safeguarding your results
The material is perfectly suited to safeguard your laboratory developed test (LDT). The range is optimised for clinically relevant concentrations. We also ensure highest stability and consistency.

Analytical Columns

Chromsystems columns are also perfectly suited to support your lab developed test (LDT). They are available for a range of applications, including therapeutic drug monitoring.

Any Questions?

Feel free to write us your questions and do not hesitate to get in contact with us.

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